Why you should not put wombs in males

This blog is about a topic that I only recently discovered, though an important voice in the dialogue about transgender activism and women’s rights mentioned it earlier this year.

I do not recall how I first stumbled upon this small – but growing – corner of scientific literature. When I first discovered it, it stirred me up so much that I knew I had to write something in response.

I initially thought I’d write a letter to the editor of the journal, but of course academic publishing has myriad constraints and rules. Here in my own corner of the web, I can freely oscillate between emotional reactions, scientific facts, and gut wisdom in my response.

The topic is uterine transplants in males.

Let’s back up.

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3 Things That Evolutionary Biology Taught Me About Sex & Babies

Babies are designed to extract more resources than mothers prefer to give (this is of course on a non-conscious levels - I’m primarily talking about physiological processes here). As the fetus grows inside your body, it causes the expansion of maternal arteries as well as an increase in blood pressure in order to extract more nutrients from the mother’s blood.

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